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Welcome to “Mineral Resource Systems and Ore Fluids”

Over the next few decades, new climate policies and the rise of green energy sources will trigger an unprecedented demand for mineral resources. This challenge will require expertise and creativity from all sides of the society among which Earth scientists will have a big share.

Our team investigates how metals accumulate in the Earth's crust to form resources that can be extracted at reasonable cost. Advanced geological understanding generates new concepts for resource exploration, to supply our society's needs for essential raw materials. Mining companies support our graduate students with field logistics, access to active mines and exploration data worldwide.

Active geothermal systems, in continental areas as well as volcanic regions, are a second field of investigation in cooperation with industry and with other groups at ETH Zurich, motivated by the need for alternative clean energy resources in Switzerland and elsewhere.

Research areas


When nature turns petroleum into a resource for essential metals

Nine new professors appointed


Earth sciences and chemistry, computer and materials science, nutrition and architecture: the incoming professors work in a wide range of very timely research fields. Seven ETH professors will soon leave the university.

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